Your donation could help a young person to reach their full potential
We want all talented young people to have the opportunity to fulfil their ambitions in the arts. Will you help us reach that goal?
“Without being granted a bursary, I would’ve most likely not been able to take part in the course - missing out on amazing playing experience allowing me to become a better musician, playing challenging and rewarding repertoire, working with a fantastic professional conductor, and meeting lots of great people. I owe my whole NYAW experience to being granted a bursary.”
Pursuing your passion in the arts can be expensive. Too often, young people face barriers such as not being able to afford training or tuition.
We do everything we can to make sure that cost isn’t a barrier to young people taking part. We provide a bursary scheme, allowing Wales’s most talented young people to access our training, without having to worry about the cost. We also produce free-to-access projects that inspire young people to take the next step in their career, no matter what their background.
Together, we can make sure everyone has opportunity and access to the arts.
Will you help a young person to take part?
Your donation, whatever the amount, will make a huge different. Thank you for your generosity and support.
Use the form below to make your donation, or click on the yellow button to go to CAF Donate, our trusted donation platform.
£10 could contribute towards developing one of our projects like Music Futures or Côr Skills, supporting the next generation of Welsh talent
£25 could provide a free audition for a talented performer, who otherwise wouldn't be able to apply to join our ensembles
£50 could go towards providing a bursary for a young person, so that they can access training to develop their talents in one of our ensembles
Any amount you give will go towards supporting talented young performers across Wales