You might have reached this policy for a number of reasons – as a participant, parent, audience member, alumni or supporter. Whatever the reason, we’ve tried to make this privacy policy as easy to understand as possible, so that you can be sure that your data is collected, used and stored appropriately. This policy tells you why we need your data, how we store and use your data, and your legal rights to amend or remove your data.
Almost all organisations, large and small, need to collect at least some personal data to carry out their activities. If you’re a young person, it’s likely that you’ll be taking part in one of our auditions, residencies or projects – and we will need to collect personal data from you (and your parents if you’re under 18) to make sure you get the best possible experience, and to keep you safe whilst you’re with us.
If you have bought performance tickets from one of our partner venues across Wales, and you have concerns about your data, then it may be that you need to contact that venue directly. You can find a privacy policy on each venue’s website, or get in touch with them directly. If you’re not sure, please contact us and we’ll try to point you in the right direction.
If you want to ask any questions about this policy, just email nyaw@nyaw.org.uk and we’ll try to answer you as quickly as possible. We guarantee to respond to any formal data requests within 4 weeks.
National Youth Arts Wales do everything we can to protect your privacy and your personal data. When you sign up to one of our projects, or when you contact us, we may need to obtain and store your personal data. We only collect as much data as we need to run our projects, to keep you informed and to make sure you’re safe when on one of our residencies.
The types of data that we collect from you will be different depending on why you’re getting in touch with us. It might include:
Your contact information, such as your home address, email address, telephone number – or that of your parents
If you’re making a payment, your card payment details and financial transaction history with us
If you’re applying for a bursary, proof of your household income and financial circumstances (which is stored confidentially and only available to those who need to access it)
Anonymous equality monitoring data, such as your disability, sexual orientation and ethnicity
If you are a participant, we may need information about your health, including any medical conditions, access requirements and next of kin
If you’re an alumni or supporter, to keep you informed about our work, our forthcoming events and fundraising campaigns.
When you give us your data, we may use it for one or more of the following purposes:
To keep you informed
We’ll collect your personal information to help prepare for our residencies, workshops and auditions, and to ensure that they run smoothly
If you’re under 18, we will also need information about your parents/guardians including emergency contact details
If you’re signed up to an audition, residency, workshop or project, we will need to keep in regular touch with you by phone, email, text message and/or post to ensure that you have all the information you need to take part on our projects. This is information that we need to send you, and so you can’t opt-out of receiving this information if you wish to take part. This only applies to information we absolutely must send you in order to participate in a course – you can of course opt-out from marketing communications at any time without affecting your relationship with National Youth Arts Wales.
To keep you safe
When participating in a residency or workshop, we do ask for sensitive personal data, such as your medical history, access requirements, medication, and emergency contact details for a next of kin. We need to collect this information to ensure your own safety and wellbeing when participating in one of our projects. Some of this information is classed as “sensitive” and will only be distributed to those who need to know, on a case-by-case basis, and kept securely by the relevant member of the production team.
To offer a bursary to you
If you’re applying for a bursary, we will need to ask for information to prove your eligibility. We might do this by asking you to submit proof of your income, or your parent/guardian’s income, such as payslips. This will be kept confidential, is only used by the person allocating bursaries, and is securely destroyed after it is needed.
To fulfill our legal and/or regulatory obligations
Some data we collect is required to fulfill our legal and/or regulatory duties. It will never be distributed to a third-party unless there is a compelling legal reason where we must, such as a safeguarding incident.
When you make a payment, we will need to keep some information to process these financial payments and maintain our accounts.
We may also ask you to complete equality monitoring surveys, which collect anonymous sensitive data such as your sexual orientation, ethnic origin or disability. This will always be kept separate from the rest of your personal data so that it’s kept anonymous. We collect this information to ensure that we are reaching young people from all backgrounds, and to fulfil the funding requirements of Arts Council of Wales and other funders. If you do not wish to offer this information, you have the right to decline without affecting any relationship with National Youth Arts Wales.
We will only contact you with marketing or fundraising communications if you explicitly give us permission to do so. If you give us permission, we'll use your email address and/or postal address to contact you with news about National Youth Arts Wales, to inform you about future events, or to let you know about our fundraising campaigns.
You have the right to change or revoke this consent at any time by contacting a member of the National Youth Arts Wales team. In the case of email marketing, you can unsubscribe using the link at the bottom of each email.
We may still need to get in touch however about things that aren’t related to marketing and fundraising, for example if we need to keep you informed about a project you’re taking part in.
We store your data using secure and password-protected databases. Some of your data may be kept on cloud-based systems – in which case, we choose systems with strong security features and up-to-date encryption to help prevent unlawful access. Where your data is printed out or written down, it will be stored securely and then destroyed when the data is no longer needed.
Most data will be securely destroyed when it is no longer needed by us. The exception to this is our alumni archive, which may contain your name, likeness, case studies, video/audio/photographic recordings of your performances, and other information in perpetuity as part of the official archives for National Youth Arts Wales.
You have the legal right to access your data, or to change your data if it is inaccurate. You also have the right for the data to be removed, unless we have a legitimate reason for keeping it. In order to do this, please put your request in writing by emailing nyaw@nyaw.org.uk. We will respond formally to all requests within 4 weeks of receipt.
National Youth Arts Wales is a registered Data Controller for the purposes of the Data Protection Act. If you have any query about your data and your rights, you can contact us, addressing your query to the Data Protection Officer, by emailing nyaw@nyaw.org.uk or by calling 029 2063 6466. You can also write to us at: Data Protection Officer, National Youth Arts Wales, Office 202, 2nd Floor, Trafalgar House, 5 Fitzalan Place, Cardiff, CF24 0ED.
If you’ve already contacted us and you are not happy with our response, you also have the legal right to complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office.