Our Complaints Policy
We pride ourselves in being a friendly, open and fair organisation, striving for the very highest standards in the work we do. However, we know that sometimes things go wrong and we hope we can have the opportunity to put things right.
If you feel we haven’t met your expectations, we would urge you to contact us using the details below. This will help us not only to make things right for you, but to improve our processes and procedures for everyone in the future.
Safeguarding concerns
As an organisation working with young people, we take safeguarding concerns extremely seriously.
If your concern is relating to the safety of a young person, or another safeguarding matter, there is a different process that applies. Please click here to read our Safeguarding Policy.
Stage 1 (Informal)
If you are already in touch with a member of our team, we would encourage you to raise a concern with them and they will do everything they can to resolve it.
If you would prefer, you can also give us a call on 029 2280 7420 (office hours), or email nyaw@nyaw.org.uk, to talk through any concerns you may have. We’d always like to have the opportunity to try to put things right where we can.
Stage 2 (Formal)
To raise a formal complaint in writing, please use the contact details below:
Email: nyaw@nyaw.org.uk
Post: National Youth Arts Wales, Office 202, 2nd Floor, Trafalgar House, 5 Fitzalan Place, Cardiff, CF24 0ED
We will acknowledge your written complaint within 5 working days and aim to respond fully within 10 working days. Where we can, we will aim to respond much quicker.
You may complain in writing in either English or Welsh and will not receive any delay in response for selecting the language of your choice.
Please include your name, address and telephone number in your complaint so that we can get in touch with you easily.
Stage 3 (Review)
If you have already received a reply and are not satisfied with our response, you can request for your complaint to be reviewed by NYAW’s Chief Executive. The Chief Executive will reassess your complaint, and will respond within 20 working days.
Escalating complaints about our fundraising
National Youth Arts Wales has voluntarily registered with the Fundraising Regulator. This means that we agree to the commitments set out in the Code of Fundraising Practice and the Fundraising Promise.
If your complaint is about our fundraising methods, about a fundraising letter or email you’ve received, or if you are concerned about a relative, please contact us first using the methods above and we will do everything we can to resolve your complaint.
However, if you are dissatisfied with our response, you can make a complaint to the Fundraising Regulator. They will then investigate the complaint independently on your behalf.
You can make a complaint to the Fundraising Regulator by:
Calling 0300 999 3407 (Monday to Friday, 9.30 am – 4.30 pm)
Sending a letter to Fundraising Regulator, Eagle House, 167 City Road, London, EC1V 1AW
Escalating serious complaints to Arts Council of Wales or the Charity Commission
We are confident we can resolve your complaint and want to work with you to find a sensible resolution. However, if you remain dissatisfied, you may wish to contact one of the regulatory bodies below.
These bodies will expect you to have contacted us first, and given us an opportunity to resolve your complaint. You can find out more about their complaints process by visiting their websites: