National Youth


of Wales

Are you the future of music in Wales?

The National Youth Choir of Wales (NYCW) is looking for new voices! Audition registrations are now open, and we want YOU to join us.

Application deadline: 13 October 2024

“In 2025, we’re delighted to welcome back Tim Rhys-Evans to conduct NYCW. As a former member of the National Youth Choir of Wales himself, Tim always talks about his honour at being the current conductor of the NYCW and we are equally proud to work with him. Well known for founding Only Men Aloud and Only Boys Aloud, Tim’s experience as a singer, conductor and voice specialist has seen him work with opera companies, choirs and organisations across the UK and Europe.

If you’ve never auditioned before, why not give it a go? It might just be the first step towards representing your country in the National Youth Choir of Wales”

A note from NYCW Producer

Matthew Jones

National Youth Choir of Wales Producer

2025 Programme

Conductor: Tim Rhys-Evans MBE

In 2025, Tim Rhys-Evans will mark his seventh year as conductor of NYCW, where he was once a member. A former professional opera singer, Tim discovered his true passion in creating and facilitating music, particularly in choral music, opera, and musical theatre. He is dedicated to ensuring that talented, disciplined, and committed individuals have access to advanced music studies.

In 2010, he founded The Aloud Charity, which runs Only Boys Aloud and Only Kids Aloud, revitalizing the Welsh male choir tradition and aiding children from deprived communities. He also created Only Men Aloud, a Welsh male vocal ensemble, achieving numerous accolades including winning BBC's Last Choir Standing.

Tim's honors include ordination to the Gorsedd of Bards (2010), an MBE (2013), an Honorary Doctor of Music (2017), and an Honorary Fellowship of the Royal Welsh College of Music & Drama (2019).

Repertoire: TBC.

How to apply…

Apply by:

13 October


13 November - 1 December

Video deadline: Sunday 24th November 


*16 December


Wednesday 13th November (evening) – Cardiff 

Sunday 17th November (AM/PM) – St Asaph  

Tuesday 19th November (evening) – Cardiff 

Sunday 24th November (AM/PM) – Carmarthen 

Thursday 28th November (evening) – Cardiff 

Saturday 30th November (AM/PM) – Cardiff 

Sunday 1st December (AM/PM) – Cardiff 


12th - 13th April 2025, Cardiff

15th - 25th August 2025, UWTSD Carmarthen



*Week commencing.

  • Cost: £600

    This fee is a contribution towards your tuition costs, accommodation, food and board, travel within the residency and social activities. The full value received by each individual is over £1400 - but thanks to the generous support from our funders and supporters, we subsidise a significant part of the costs for everyone offered a place in a national ensemble.

     Our Bursary Fund could help to cover some, or all, of the membership fees, so that no-one is deterred from applying for the NYAW Ensembles for financial reasons. If you have an annual household income of less than £70,000, you could be eligible for financial support.

     Additionally, for the first time this year and with support from The Leverhulme Trust, we can offer full Fee Waivers and additional support towards travel expenses and other costs associated with NYAW membership for those who need it most.

    Visit NYAW BURSARY FUND for full information including how to claim help toward audition costs and membership fees.

  • Our Bursary Fund could help to cover some or all of the membership fees, so that no-one is deterred from applying for the NYAW Ensembles for financial reasons. If you have an annual household income of less than £70,000, you could be eligible for financial support.

     Visit NYAW BURSARY FUND for full information including how to claim help toward audition costs and membership fees.

  • Applications are accepted from singers who have a keen interest in singing and participate regularly with a choir at a high level. You should be aged between 16 and 22, on 31 August 2025. (This means that you may be able to audition aged 15, as long as you will be 16 by this date). We may take younger participants into the ensembles on occasions where extraordinary talent is shown. This will be solely at the discretion of NYAW. You must either have been born in Wales and/or currently living in Wales, or studying full-time in Wales.

    NYAW reserves the right to exclude anyone from taking part in its ensembles at its reasonable discretion, to be exercised by senior staff or trustees.

    For any questions about our eligibility criteria, please email us at: